Sunday, May 15, 2016

2016 - Round 7 - Eisenhower Park (White)

Course - Eisenhower Park (White)

Playing Partners - Vak, Dan, Richie

Weather conditions - SPECTACULAR!!

All is right with the world, yet again.  It looks like I've righted the ship, and the game is back on track.  

We had a 9am tee time at Eisenhower Park (White).  As I've posted before, the White course is a pretty boring course (to me) as, for the most part, the holes just go straight out, and straight back.  All greens are somewhat the same, elevated protected by bunkers, and it's hard to differentiate the holes.

Well, I'm starting to change that opinion.  Nassau county is plugging a ton of bucks into this course.  I'm not saying that it will be a Bethpage Black (or even Eisenhower Red), but they are making some major renovations that improve the course.  I'll give the course updates at the end of the blog.

After the last few weeks of BAD golf (Capital letters!), I needed to work on my game.  As the weather was finally cooperating, I was able to get to practice a bit.  So, last Thursday I went out to the course at lunch, and putted and chipped.  Work Work Work.  I needed to get my putting back on track.  
After work, I went to the range and worked on my turn and tempo (T&T).  

So, we teed off on time - I was in shorts and a short pullover, which quickly came off (the pullover, not the shorts), as the weather was great.  

The first 5 holes were played well, but always had a bit of trouble that kept me from par.  Either drives that landed in fairway bunkers, or some other minor issue.  But, once I got to the green, I was always able to two putt.  

By the 8th hole, I was feeling the tempo and had my putting stroke down.  Hit the green on the Par 3 to about 15 feet and sunk the putt.  

I finished the front nine with a respectable 43, with 16 putts.  

The back nine was pretty much the same thing.  I could have had a really nice score, if not for the 15th hole.  
My drive was off to the right, into a fairway bunker.  I was 190 yards out.  Although I could have attempted a fairway wood out of the bunker, I know my limitations (interpret that as "I suck at fairway bunkers).  So, I opted to hit a 9-iron to 100 yards.   As the wind picked up, my layup landed in the fairway at 117 yards out. 

Here was my dilemma.  My Pitching wedge is 110 yards, and my 9-iron is 130.  So, I either try to power the PW, or hit a short 9-iron.  
I opted for the latter, and choked down an inch.  However, the shot was poor and landed in the right greenside bunker.  
The lie was awful.  At the outer edge of the bunker, on a down-slope, within a foot of the back edge.  My swing caught the top of the grass, and I skulled the ball over the green!!!  FML

A lob wedge and two putts later, I was in for a triple bogey.

However, I can't complain.  I shot an 87 for the day.  I wasn't even pissy about the triple bogey.  I was more upset with missing my 4 foot putt on 18 for birdie.  

My playing partners, didn't fare as well.

Vak - normally my equal on the course - is still in a golf-funk.  I stopped scoring for him after his triple bogey on the 14th - which is about the time he started to play well.  The Golf Gods threw him a birdie on 18, so as totally not to discourage him.

Dan played a nice game.  He's not a long hitter, but his drives were always consistent.  Dan's problem today is the "yips"  Dan plays with a long putter, but still yips every now and then.  

Richie was really good off the tee all day. No banana slices, as he sometimes does.  It's still early in the year for Rich, so the rest of his game is still a "work in progress).

As for me - I'm now happy again with the status of my game, I need to look at critiquing my work, and improve.

My drives were pretty damn good.  If I missed fairways, it wasn't by much.  I just need to work a bit more to hit more fairways.

My woods were good - no complaints.  Then again, I only had to hit 2 woods all day.

My hybrids and Irons were solid.  I was making great contact.  I really need to dial in my yardages, though.  I missed some greens because my distances were off.  That comes with more play.  

Chipping was good, but not GREAT.  I would like to get to the point where I can one-putt after a chip.

Putting was great.  No 3-putts, and I made most of my putts in the 3-6 foot range (Except for that birdie on 18).

As this is my birthday week, I'll try to get out to play mid-week.  I'll also make sure to work my game.  Chipping practice (again).  Some range time to keep my tempo on track.
Unfortunately, I don't use the range to dial in my distances, because range balls (no matter how new they are) are not the same quality as the balls I play with.

For those of you not interested in the course improvements, you can skip to the end to look at my selfie  :-) 

Now, for the course upgrades:

The Starters area will soon boast a putting green.  Something that was missing.
The third hole is having the green side bunkers completely redone.  Previously there were several wide bunkers protecting the green.  They are building into 3 deep pot bunkers that any short shots will find their way to (Practice you sand shots!!)

The 14th hole, a par 3, is having the three protecting bunkers changed to two pot bunkers, an a collection are to the right.  Here are the before/after pictures (The parallel hole is still the old way)

The 17th hole (Par 3) is being completely rebuilt.  Pot bunkers, greens, sand traps.  Cant wait to see what it looks like

Today will be a memorable day for me.  The day (this season) where I turned the corner, and got my game back.  

So, until the next round

Keep it in the Short Hairs

Sunday, May 8, 2016

2016 - Round 6 - Eisenhower Park

Date: May 7, 2016

Course - Eisenhower Red

Playing Partners - Larry, Steve

Weather conditions - NASTY  VERY NASTY

The snapshot of The Weather Channel does not do it justice.  It was cool, breezy, and "almost" rainy.  Just a continuation of the week's NY weather.

My regular playing partners had other plans for this Saturday, so I had gotten several playing partners from my GolfMatch app.  Unfortunately, a series of unforeseen issues had each one drop out.

No big deal - the course was empty.   I opted not to warm up at the range due to the poor weather, and figured I'd do some putting/chipping at the putting green by the first hole.

Unfortunately, the starter said I was going right out with a twosome - Steve and Larry.  Two nice enough guys who were also "Saturday Morning Eisenhower" regulars.

So, after the last two weeks fiasco's on the course, my angst was high, not knowing which game would show up.
The weather in NY sucked the whole week, so I did not get a chance to hit the range, or putt or chip.  I did get to the PGA Superstore to hit for a half hour, but as I've said before - it's just not the same thing as hitting outside.

So, I get up to the first tee.  If you've never had the pleasure of playing with me, you don't know that my ball flight is a draw (ball moves right to left in an arc).  If the ball goes left to right (fade), then I've done something wrong.  My ball starts out a bit right and moves to the center.
The first tee was lined up very right.  If my ball would head a bit right, it would hit one of 4-5 trees lining the side of the fairway.
You just gotta love these golf gods.  My game is in bad enough shape, but they have to make it worse with this crap.
So, I get up and hit a wonderful straight ball.
As a matter of fact, the first hole played great.  I was on the green in regulation and 2-putted for par (one of the few times that day, but more on that later).
The 2nd hole was also decent.  I didn't hit the ball far enough on the dog-leg left par-4, so I had to try to hit a hard draw around a tree - and again the ball went straight.  Chip, and 2-putt (again) and I bogeyed.
The third hole was much the same, as I parred the hole.

Not bad - one over after 3 holes - all seemed cool with the world.

That's when I turned into the "Little Engine that Could".  The rest of the day was Putt Putt Putt on each hole (almost).  I was almost like Ernie Els - clueless with the putter!!!

SERIOUSLY - my putter has long been the most consistent part of my game.  Today, I had no touch, no feel, and no view of the correct line.

I three putted holes 4 through 7, 10, 12, and 13.

43 putts for the round.  (Putt Putt Putt Putt Putt).

Before I go into my putting problems, let me review the improvements over the past two weeks.

First note that I was working hard at the gym to strengthen my glutes (ass!), lower back, and wrists.  I hit the treadmill or elliptical machine daily.  And, I stretched EVERY DAY!!

And, it paid off.  My shoulder turn was no longer a point of fear for me - wondering if my back would hold up.

I walked 18 holes without an pain or discomfort.  This with pushing my cart on soft mushy fairways (freshly mowed, I might add).

My drives were mostly good.  I say mostly.  I did wickedly slice one drive, and topped one other (yes, it did make it past the ladies tee, so I didn't need to drop my pants!)
My woods were solid.
My hybrids were much improved, which unfortunately doesn't say much since just making contact would be an improvement over last week.
Irons - were solid.
Even my pitching was solid.

However, my putting was BAD BAD BAD BAD!!

I'd line up my 8 foot putt, and my ball would go sailing by the hole and I'd be left with a 6 foot.  Or, I'd wind up 4 feet short.

And, of course I'd miss the 2nd putt, too.

A blind monkey would have hit more putts than me.

I wound up shooting a 94.  If I simply 2-putted on each hole, I'd have shot an 87.

As I walked off the 18th hole, I knew I needed some putting work.  And, despite the weather still being NASTY, I dropped 4 balls on the practice putting green and putted for about 20 minutes.

So, where does this leave me?
Either I hire a blind monkey to caddie for me,

             or I spend time fixing my issues.  

The weather this week looks pretty good, so I believe I can get out to work on some of my issues.
The weather report also predicts rain all next weekend - so I might even get 2 weeks of practice before my next round.  

Lord knows I need it!!!

And, of course - I'll keep up the gym work.  Stretching, and working the key muscle groups.  

So, until the next round - 

Keep it in the Short Hairs

Monday, May 2, 2016

2016 - Round 5 - Eisenhower Park Red

Course - Eisenhower Park

Playing Partners - Richie, Peter, and Tim

Weather - Chillier that it should be at this time of year!!

After last week's fiasco, I looked at my opening rounds from the past few years.  The first few weeks of the season, no matter how I train in the off-season, SUCK!

I have had a few in the 100 range, many in the 90's and those rare 80's.

I guess this means I shouldn't throw my clubs in the Great South Bay, just yet.

Right now, the biggest issue I have is not being able to practice mid week.  The weather has been so shitty, that you can't head out to the range or putting greens.  This week I had a 30 minute practice session at the PGA Superstore.

It's quite OK to hit in a simulator, but it's not like a range (and especially not like a GRASS range).  The "sim" is really good to see what your numbers are.  Swing Speed, Launch speed, launch angle, spin rate, etc.

However, most of us don't know what the fuck any of that means - so we just hit.

I hit, and then look at the simulated ball flight on the PC monitor.  Almost like playing "Tiger Woods Golf" on XBox.

At least I got to swing a club.

Our tee time was 9:08.  Vak was in Myrtle Beach (THE BASTARD!), so they hooked us up with a single - Tim.

The weather was cold and dreary.

It remained that way until around the 13th hole, when the sun came out.  At that point, we were able to play in short sleeves!!

Tim had one of the oddest swings I've seen - and I've seen plenty.  He had one of the strongest grips you could imagine.  His right palm was basically facing the sky.
AND - his ball position was just inside of his back foot, and he leaned forward.  He had the wild hook you might expect. So bad he'd aim 30 yards right of the fairway and (if it didn't hit a tree) would scoot across the fairway, right to left.
It was painful to watch.

As for me - I was better than last week.  After all, it wasn't hard to beat that 105.

My drives were OK - mostly in play, and some good ones. Especially the last few holes when I realized my problem.

My ball flight was a fade/slice for most of th day.   Very unlike me.  I realized that my turn contained a sway.  My guess is that my back problems are either physically (or mentally) preventing me from my normal turn, so I'm swaying to get my club back.

So the last few holes I focused on having my left knee bend straight out to the ball, rather than turn back towards my right knee.  This prevented me from swaying.
It seemed to work.

The front 9 was on/off, and I shot a 47.  Acceptable for this time of year.
I was pretty much on track for the same type score on the back 9.  I had a 36 through 16.
My drive on 17 was great, and I lay in the first cut off the fairway on the right side.  I wanted to lay up to 60 yards, so I hit my hybrid.  And, pulled that sucker across the fairway to 100 yards out, and behind a tree.  I had to chip out, which I did miserably, forcing me to attempt a hard draw with m gap wedge.

Well, no draw - and I missed the green to the right. Chip and a 2-putt - Double bogey.

The 18th hole was pretty much the same thing. Great drive, fucked up hybrid, bad chip.
Triple bogey - ending with a 50 - total of 97.

So, what worked this week, and what didn't.

Let's start with the bunker play, since that accounted for much of last week's issues.
This was also one of the more consistent parts of my game today.    Long bunker shots, short shots, spin, roll out.  It was damn nice to see actual sand in the traps.

The driver was OK.  Can't call it good, but not terrible.
Woods?  Probably the best shots of the day were with my woods.
Hybrids?  Poor.  Well, make that VERY POOR.  (It's supposed to be an easy club to hit!!!)
Irons - good,  Made some solid contacts on the irons.
Pitching - very good.  All pitches were on target and roughly the right distance.
Chipping - mostly good.  I was able to chip to within 6-8 feet, usually.
Putting - SHIT SHIT SHIT!!  I missed so many of those 4-8 footers!!!  And, it's not like I was lipping out.  I WAS MISSING BY 2-3 FEET!!!

So, where does this leave me?  As I look at the weather report for this week, it shows rain all week - so no outdoor range.

I'll have to book at time at the simulator again.  I'll work on my hybrids, and of course my driver.

Can't wait for the weather to finally get nice so I can take advantage of working across from Eisenhower park!!!

In any event, next week is another day.

Until then,

Keep it in the Short Hairs