Wednesday, July 26, 2017

I Like to Watch....

Of course, I'm referring to sports on TV.

However, this weekend was mostly spent glued to some monitor watching the "Open Championship" – aka the British Open.

First, let me review the difference between watching golf, and watching other sports (i.e. - baseball, basketball, football, etc). 
Watching a golf tournament is not as "exciting" as other sports.  Now, before you get all pissy and start ranting at me, I don't mean that the sport of golf is not exciting - nor that it doesn't have highs and lows like other sports.

I just tend not to curse and throw things during a golf tournament.
Here's an example: on Sunday (long after the final putt of the British Open), the New York Yankees had a 2 run lead in the 9th inning. Their reliever, Aroldis Chapman, appeared to be TRYING to lose the game.  First, he gave up a hit.   Then a long double.  And, lastly, a passed ball/wild pitch.
So, I started cursing at him – and if my 60 inch TV didn't cost so much, I would have thrown the remote at it.
This doesn't happen when I watch golf. At one point today, Jordan Speith pulled a Chapman, and looked like he was blowing his shot at The Open championship. Not once did I have the urge to strangle Jordan, or throw the remote through the pricey TV and nail him on he head. (by the way, the Yankees still won)

But, as a golfer, it's totally enjoyable watching professionals play the sport the way I wish I could.

Especially like this weekend, during a "Major".

But, I've digressed:
Getting back to my original topic – watching The Open. In "Olden Times", we digital spectators scheduled our weekends around our home TV, or local watering hole to watch our sport of choice.
In today's world, we have so many options – it is hard to miss a stroke. Aside from the normal televisions, in the car I have XM radio - PGA Network giving play-by-play. On my phone I have several apps (The Open, PGA, NBC sports) to get everything from leaderboard updates a live stream.  At work, you can live stream the content:

On the GolfMatch app, people posted their viewing setups.As I was away for the weekend, this was mine:

Work and golf, side by side

All you need is either wi-fi access, or a data plan with enough data allowance.
Personally, I don't watch ALL golf tournaments when out of the house – just the Majors. They are sort of the SuperBowls of golf.
Of course, in between watching the Open, I actually got to play a bit. Amazing how that works out.
So, congrats to Jordan Spieth on his impressive win.
I don't think I can string 5 ending holes like he did – but I'll keep trying.

On a side note, my blog is now carried by GolfStuds.  Check out their site at    

Until next time,
Keep it in the Short Hairs

Monday, July 17, 2017

3rd JC Golf Studs Tradition Outing

I know it's been a few weeks, but it's been hectic in the golf household.  I've been trying to play as much golf as my back allows.

For the past few weeks, I've played perhaps two round per week - weather and back permitting.

This past week, I got to play both Saturday and Sunday.

The weekend outing (noted in the title of the Blog entry) was organized by "GolfStuds", a group that evolved off of one of the groups on GolfMatch.

This was the oddest group (in my opinion) that evolved into one of the best groups/organizations.

For many of you Instagram patrons who are are golfers, you are aware of several Instagram accounts that are composed of female golfers, which attract thousands of followers.  With such followers, they get sponsors to show off clothes, shoes, etc.
There are also a few "Male" versions of these groups, that post less beefcake shots, and more comic/golf posts.

And Honestly, I thought GolfStuds was going to be sort of a combination of both.


I invite you all to click on their link and read their welcome.  It's a group of golfers (Gender neutral) that love the game of golf.  The intent is to use golf to grow the game - through friendships, youth programs, etc.  And, to support worthy causes.

The gathering this weekend was to support Folds of Honor and The Junior Tour Academy.  Folds of Honor helps out families of our fallen or disabled service-members.  The Junior Tour Academy (as you might guess), aids youngsters entering the game.  The outing raised just under $3,000.  So, not only did we have fun, but we helped some worthy organizations.

23 golfers from across the country gathered at Bethpage State Park.  For most of these golfers, it was a rare treat to play at a facility as majestic as our Bethpage State Park, Home of The Black.

We met in the patio behind the clubhouse at 9:30am.  It was like meeting old friends, for the first time.  We'd all been on GolfMatch and Instagram so long, we knew each others life stories.

The Saturday outing was the official golf day, running 6 foursomes - on Bethpage Red.  I had the opportunity to play with four "locals" (NY Area) whom I've "conversed" with a lot. Reggie, Ovi, and Paul.

Like old friends, we started ragging on each other right off the bat.  It's not easy to be comfortable goofing around with new partners - but we bonded immediately.  Although I didn't play well, it was one of the more memorable rounds of the year.

Afterwards, we all gathered for an awards ceremony, pictures, and to some, a farewell till next time.

Although the group was heading to a dinner in NYC, I opted against it, as I am freaking old - and was damn tired.
They gathered at PrimeOne16, a steakhouse in NYC.  The guest speaker was Major Ed Pulido, U.S. Army (ret).  From what I understand, this guy is amazing.  Wish I could have been there.
Major Ed (center) with Ovi and Paul

Sunday, was the day to play "BLACK".  Unfortunately, New York State frowns upon outings on the Black - unless you can fork over $100,000.
As that wasn't in the budget, we opted to get individual tee times.

As many of you know, getting a tee time on the Black is like hitting Lotto.  So, although I was dialing like a madman the week prior, I didn't get anything (again, like Lotto).  But, calling on Friday (2 days prior) I was able to snag a 9:24am foursome.

I got to play with another  great foursome.
JC - one of the founders of GS, and the organizer of this (and many other) golf events.
Mark C - another friend from the GS/GM community.
Kevin - yet another GS friend.

JC is an ex-LongIslander, and has played the black over 100 times (my back hurts just saying that).  Mark is an excellent golfer, who hits the ball a mile.  Kevin, also an excellent golfer, finished out the foursome.

Although I've played this course dozens of times, its always fun to play with people that have only read about the course.  So, seeing Mark and Kevin tee off on the first hole, was exciting in itself.
We New Yorkers (and Long Islanders, especially) tend to take the availability of one of the PREMIER GOLF COURSES in the country, for granted.  I was able to see the course through "virgin" eyes, once again.

We had a great round.  I tried imparting some course knowledge, like where to hit, not to hit, etc.

By the 17th hole, we were pretty well spent.  It's a tough course, that walks very tough (no carts on the Black).
Mark C - taking a chill on 17

But, wanting to finish strong, I gathered myself for the strong finish.  My drive was dead center, splitting the fairway.  For the first time today, I out-drove one of my partners (Kevin).  I then hit a beautiful 6 iron to the elevated green that landed just over the green in the rough.  A short chip and putt for Up-And-Down, and I finished with a Par - and a 98 for the day.

We had some drinks and lunch afterwards, before we parted.  We hugged (yes, guys hug it out) and shook hands and knew we'd be playing again in the not-so-distant future.

Although many of us play golf a lot, weekends like this are few and far between.  23 golfers from different locations got together to enjoy the game, help some causes, and cement friendships that, previously, had only been virtual.

If you want to check into Golf Studs. hit them up on their website, Instagram account, or on GolfMatch.

More important, if you get a chance for a weekend like this, grab it. They don't come that often.

So, until next time,

Keep it in the Short Hairs