Sunday, September 27, 2015

September 19 - Round 33

Course - Eisenhower Red

Playing partners - Rich, Pete, Alex

The purpose of this blog was to allow me (and you) to improve my (your) golf game, by learning from my previous mistakes.
Somehow, I forgot about that today.

The round started off great.  My drive was awesome (I actually drove it into the group in front), and I layed up perfectly to 60 yards.  I was hoping for a soft pitch shot with my sand wedge.
But, I hit it thin, and in the ball flight I figured the ball would bounce near the pin, and roll to the back of the green.
Except it HIT the pin, and landed 3 feet from the cup!


What a great way to start the round.
After parring the 2nd hole (par 3) I played the 3rd hole (par 5) similar to the first.  Great drive, and a lay up (to 70 yards).
Of course, I once again hit the pitch thin, and wound up with a bogie.

But, I shook that off and played the rest of the front 9 damn well.  My drives were straight, and long.  My irons were crisp, and my putting was consistent.
Everything you'd want in a game.

So, I come to the 300 yard 9th hole.  It's an easy hole.  Once again, I hit a great drive - and had 60 yards to the pin.
So, what did I do?  I LOOKED AT MY SCORE!!!

Right!  I didn't learn from my previous lesson, and saw that I had a 36 through 8 holes, and if I birdie the 9th, I could have a 39 on the front!!

So, I line up my pitch.  And I say to myself "DONT HIT IT THIN".
I take on practice swing.
And I again say to myself, "DONT HIT IT THIN"

I set up, and what do I do?

If you guessed than I hit it thin, you were WRONG!!!  I HIT IT FAT!!!!!

Seriously !!!!!   The divot I took looked like half my front lawn!!!
And, the ball went 10 yards.

So, now I am pissed, but hit my lob wedge/pitch to 6 feet above the cup.

This is where I start to lose my mind.  I'm thinking "Make the putt, and walk away with a 40".

What I am NOT thinking is "This is a fast downhill putt, and don't leave the ball too far below the hole".
My putt lips the cup, and rolls 8 feet past the cup.
I lipped out the come backer and left with my head hung low, and a double bogey - 42 on the front nine.

But, I gather my wits about me, and start on the 10 hole.
After double bogeying the 10th, I bogeyed the 11th and 12th.

I had lost my mojo.  The golf gods giveth, and the golf gods taketh away.

But, I was confident that I could finish under 90 - always my goal.

The 17th hole is another par 5.  My drive is off to the right, and fairly short - in the rough.
Instead of choosing my hybrid, I stupidly think I can hit my 4-wood out of the rough and get into a nice layup position.

STUPID STUPID STUPID (don't worry, I'm not done with that word)

The ball goes 20 yards, and winds up in deeper rough.

I wind up with a double bogey, and a headache!

I get to the 18th hole, and hit a booming drive.  If you recall my objective here is always to layup to 60 yards, and hope for a pitch and one putt for par.

Of course today, my mind was thinking "190 to the front, and I can do this"
Not "This is an uphill/sidehill lie, so layup".

I pull my 4-wood (STUPID STUPID STUPID)

              and hit it beautifully - on to the tee of the first hole.
Right behind a tree.

With no swing, I don't even think of pitching, and hit the ball 10 yards into the deepest/wettest rough of the day. My pitch with my lob wedge got caught up, and the ball went into the trap.

Yada Yada Yada - triple bogey!!!

Back 9 score of 49, and a score of 91!!

This score is a product of a total a mental failure.  I believe that between the 9th, 17th, and 18th holes, I could have saved 4-5 shots and finished with an 86 or 87.


So, what have I learned today?
I learned that my physical game is doing well.
My mental game needs some work.....
  (to say the least).

This week, I will not be able to hit the range, as Wednesday is Yom Kippur.  Maybe after work one day.

So, until the next tee time

Keep it in the Short Hairs

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