Saturday, April 11, 2015

April 11 - round 2

The word of the day was "blustery".  Winds were a constant 20-30 mph out of the west (so it seemed).
My playing partners today were Vak, Dan, and Pete.
Out tee time was at 10:52 on Eisenhower Park - White.   

Week 2 was completely opposite from last week.  (Play wise, anyway)

First off - I walked.  Note that I don't carry, but use a 3-wheeled push cart.  This back wouldn't be able to take 50+ swings AND dragging around a bag for 4 hours.  
Gotta hand it to Vak - he carries.  Although as of late he's been complaining.  
(Note to Vak - I won't carry a bag, OR YOU!  So get a cart before you collapse)

So, back to golf. The range was PACKED!  Not a stall open.  I had to wait!  
I don't think I hit one decent shot at the range. Irons were shanking, drives were hooking, and my pitches were chunking.
GREAT!  On to the first tee!
We actually teed off a bit early.  My thought was that the red course had opened, and a few groups jumped over to play that more popular course.
The first hole is a par 5.  We were with the wind.
I drilled my drive down the middle with a slight draw. It rode the wind.  Landed on the left side of the fairway!
My 2nd shot I pulled off the fairway, and was about 10 yards off the fairway on the left.
Now came the first of many wind decisions of the day.
I was 135 yards from the elevated green (I have a Garmin GPS).  Pin was in the back.
I would normally take a 7 iron, but I felt that stiff 20 mph wind, and went for the 8 iron.
The hit was crisp.
The flight was perfect.
The wind died.  I mean, it was like a wall was put up behind me.
The ball dropped at the top of the berm in front of the green and rolled into the trap.  

This is where walking helps.  As I strolled to my sandy lie, Vak mentioned the obvious - "the wind died". Duh!
But i got my annoyances at the golf-gods out of my system by the time I reached my ball.  Nice lie.
I hit it crisp again, trying to carry the ball to the back of the green.  
Well, I need a bit of sand practice and I carried it 5 yards over the green.
So, I started with a double bogey on the first hole.
The wind was playing a factor on all holes. At points, the balls on the tee were rocking due to the wind.

The course was in ok shape.  Fairways and bunkers were in good shape.
The greens (most of them) had that same burned out area at the center.  I assume most courses have the same issue, as Bethpage notes that many holes have temp greens.
The par 3's are all twin holes. Left/right (in an attempt to speed play)
All the "right" par 3's were closed for repair. 

As we approached the 18th hole, all,of us were pretty exhausted.  It tough walking into this stiff wind.

Fast forward 17 holes....

The par 5 18th is a pretty finishing hole.  My normal landing area is between two traps, about 230 yards out.
Pete commented that no one would get there today, into this stiff wind.
Well, I hit a strong draw, that was awesome.  Hit it right there!  
My 4 wood (I carry a 4 and 7 wood) I mis-hit a bit, as a golfer on the 10th hole struck his ball (20 yards to my right) just a split second before I struck mine.
I say this because we've all seen the pros complained about photographers taking a shot in their swing.  It can throw you off just a fraction.
I pulled the ball to the left. 

Not a bad lie. It left me 110 yards to the middle of the green.  Into that wind.
I pulled an 8 and hit a solid ball.
It barely mad it, and landed on the front of the green.  
2 putts, and I finished with a par.  

I finished the round with an 88 - a full 10 strokes off last week.  

My analysis of my game?
Driving was great.
Irons were crisp.
Woods - some good, some bad - needs a bit of work.
Putting was good (33 putts, and no 3 putts)
My pitches were off.  My 50/60/70 yard pitches weren't crips, and not on line.  This is where I'll need to practice most in the coming week.
If the weather permits, I'll go to the range with just my wedges.

As for the rest of the foursome - Vak had a bad round. The prior week of 88 was a memory as his short game was left in the parking lot.  (As was his putting).
96 today.
Dan, in his first outing of the year, shot 109.   It was apparent that his game was rusty, as his shots started improving with each hole.  
Pete?  Well, Pete (normally a good golfer), was trouble.   Shanks, hooks, thin hits, chunks, and whatever other bad shot names you can come up with.  
Pete stopped scoring after 7 holes.  

We all walked off the 18th green exhausted. Couldn't wait to get home, shower, and plop down and watch The Masters.  What a pleasure.  
There's nothing like a round of golf, followed by watching a major, and catching a few Z's.
A perfect Saturday 

Looking forward to next week.
Better golf
Hopefully calmer winds

Til then, keep,it on the short hairs

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