Saturday, May 30, 2015

May 30 - Round 10

Eisenhower Park - red

Word of the day - S-L-O-W

My playing partners today were Vak, Rich, and Alex.   

Alex is a friend of Rich's son-in-law - only playing about a year, and has a pretty good game for a beginner.  His biggest problem is his clubs.  He has a new TaylorMade driver, and an old set of inherited Ping Eye2 irons.  
And, he's never taken a lesson.

Ping Eyes were one of the first perimeter weighted irons.  Ball gets up fast, and hits solid.  However, the heads are small, compared to today's sizes.  And, the clubs are not as forgiving as newer clubs.

Once he does her newer irons, he's going to be great.

Anyway, back to my round.  I recently got a new activity tracker/heart rate monitor - the Mio Fuse.  It gets your heart rate with no chest strap, and tracks your steps, miles walked, and calories expended.  I always wanted to see what I burn walking the course.

As I left you last time, my driver we on again/off again, as I get a handle on my new grip.  Well, this week, the front nine went very well.  My first drive was by far the longest I've had on that hole. I had 200 left to the pin (it's a par 5) but wimped out and layed up with a 7 iron.
To about 40 yards to the green!  I could have hit my 4 hybrid and been on!

So, I settled for a par.

My front nine went well, drives were pretty good (not as nice as the first hole), and I finished the front with a 43.  That was about right.
I guess my 2 buckets at the range on Friday morning were showing....

Then we teed of on 10. I pushed my drive into the woods.  I miss hit a wedge, yada, yada, yada - carded a tripled bogey.  
From this point on I was scrambling from my drives. 

At some point on the back nine, the golf gods turned up the heat - literally.  It got freaking hot and humid.  I had gone through my large DD iced coffee, 24 ounces of FRS, and bought a bottle of Powerade at the halfway house. 
I guess others started showing the strain, as the round slowed down.   By the 17th hole, the timer on my Mio Fuse showed 5 hours!   This is usually the MAX for 18 holes on the Red - and we had 2 holes to go.

The 17th was one of my best drives of the back nine - but into a fairway bunker.  Once I stepped into the bunker, it felt about 20 degrees warmer than the fairway.  Oye!

Two shots later and I wound up just off the green in 3 - and bogeyed the hole. 
Coming to 18 I had an 85.  18 is that tough par 4 - I'd have been happy to walk away with a bogey -and a 90 for the round. 

Not to be.

At this point, my knees started to ache.
Spell that ACHE!!!

My drive on 18 was off the the right, under a tree.  
I had to punch out - and it didn't punch far.  

Here's where I started making mental mistakes.  I was in deep rough, 200 yards out.
So, instead of hitting a hybrid, or wedge - I pulled a 7 wood.
Keeping a long round short, two shots later I'm 100 yards out laying 4.  
The strong right to left wind pushed my wedge into the greenside bunker - with the ball way up the side.  This is the kind of shot where you need to dig your feet in deep, and bend your knees a lot to get down to the ball.
Except my knees were not cooperating.  The just refused to bend (and hold me up at the same time).

First shot, ball pops up and rolls back to my feet.
Second shot, same.

Knees still won't bend.

After the second shot, I finally had a flat lie.

Third shot - I was out on the green. 

Two putts later I carded a 10!!!!

A goddamned 10!!!

A 95 for the round.

A 5 1/2 hour round.

A round this long is WRONG!  It should NOT take this long to play 18 holes. 

The Mio said I burned 2,000 calories - I couldn't care less.  All I wanted to do was get home and lay down.   

Now I know I'm 58 years old, but I work out like a fanatic.  I spin 3-4 times a week, and exercise every day I'm not playing golf.  So - WTF?  What are my knees telling me?   

In any case, I'm supposed to play Monday at Hempstead Country club - but the weather looks iffy. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Until then,

Keep it in the short hairs

Monday, May 25, 2015

May 25th - Round 9

Eisenhower Park - White course

Playing partners - Vak, Richie, Neil

FINALLY SPRING HAS COME!!  It was about 65 degrees at tee off (8:36).  What a relief not wearing multiple layers of clothing.

We meet at the range, and at 8am we head over to the course.  Except Rich and Neil.  They went out for cigars.  And, made a stop for iced coffee.

They showed up at the starter after our tee time.  This was totally poor golf etiquette.  If you have a tee time, have the courtesy of showing up on time.
The 2nd group that got in front of us was two oriental couples.  Other golfers warned us about them - after every shot the ladies make, the husbands give them a lesson on what they did wrong.

So, we teed off at 8:52.  Once again, my drives were heading right.  Not horrible (yet), but pushing right.  It didn't hurt my score much, as my recovery shots made up for them.
For instance, on the 18th hole I pulled the drive (yes, pulled) left of the fairway bunker.
Left and Short!!

So, I'm left with around 320 to the green, and I' in the left rough, guarded by trees.  So, I hit a beautiful 7-wood, drawing it as much as I could out of the rough.  Ended up 120 yards in the right rough.  Wound up with a Par.
This is how much of the round went.

I shot a 44 on the front nine.  Scrambling from my poor drives - one worse than the other.  On the 9th hole, I tugged the drive left (I'm constantly making adjustments to the grip). As I was searching for my ball I spot a bright blue golf ball in the grass

Yes - NY Rangers. I'm guessing that Henrik Lundqvist lost another one!

So on the front nine I scrambled for a 44.  Not to bad.

We started the back nine into the wind. I hit the drive well, again to the left. That seemed to be the way I played the next 3 holes.  Then (like the day before), I started to drive it well.  I stuck with my new grip - despite the advice from my playing partners to give up on it.  
Adjustments take time.  Don't give up for the sake of a few good (better?) rounds.  It will eventually click, with enough work (and time).

So, I finished with an 89.  I'm quite ok with that, given that I am not driving the ball well at all.

Course conditions - fair to poor. Some greens should be taken out of play - they were horrible. Pin placements were in the corner areas that were not damaged - making putting very hard.  
As for my conditions - I am realizing that perhaps I shouldn't walk three 18 hole rounds on 3 successive days.  My 58 year old knees were KILLING ME!  
Seriously in pain.

I couldn't wait to get home and lay down.

So - I'll rest my knees until next Saturday.

Until then,

Keep it in the Short Hairs

May 24 - Round 8

Bethpage State Park - Blue course

Word of the day - Schizophrenia (or, Jeckyl and Hyde)

As we (me and the wife) had show tickets for a 3pm show, I opted to wake up early and squeeze in 18 holes.
I got to Bethpage State Park at around 6:20.  Got a 7:32 tee time on the Blue.

As I walked to my car in the still cold weather, I found myself parked next to a slender guy smoking an electric cigarette.  But, not one of the ones I normally see.  This one put a permanent cloud around him, that seemed to follow him as he walked.  It reminded me of the Peanut's character Pigpen, with white smoke instead of dust.


So, I show up at the first tee around 6:45 - and proceed to stand in the chill for 45 minutes.  Sure enough, I'm partnered up with three oriental young men - one of whom was Pigpen.
They politely asked me if I would move down to the 8:04 so their friend can play with them.

SERIOUSLY?  Wait a half hour?

I politely said no.

So, they switched with the 3some at 8:04.  A father and his two sons (in their early 30's).  We had a rip-roaring time, as every time of of the boys hit a shot, the other would rag on him mercilessly.
True brothers.

As for my round, I started off tighter than the lid on a new jar of pickles.  Standing around for 45 minutes took it's toll on my muscles.  The first hole was bad.  I was lucky to get away with a triple bogey.  Thank's to the one putt.

My drives on the front nine were something out of a Steven King novel.  It was a horror story.  Thank goodness my irons worked well.  Not so my putter.

I finished with a 50.  Worst hole?  I didnt even use the driver.  170 yard par 3.  A big green, and I pulled the tee shot to the left side of the green.  The pin was on the right.
4 putts later I was in for a 5.
That's right - A FREAK'N FOUR PUTT!!!

At the turn, I took a deep breath and started a new round.  I figured I had a chance of breaking 100.

So, resigned to my worst score in several years, I loosened up.  The Driver started to actually work, and I started to sink putts.
Started Par-Par-Par, and finished with a 42.

It was an amazing change from the front nine.  (Thus, the word of the day).  It was actually a comfortable 9 holes.

The course conditions were pretty good.  All the greens were now open, yet some were recently sodded.  Fairways and bunkers were well maintained.

Looking forward to Monday's round at Eisenhower White.

Until then

Keep it in the Short Hairs

Saturday, May 23, 2015

May 23 - Round 7

Eisenhower Park (red)

Word of the day - wood

Playing partners - Vak, Rich, Freddie

Waking up at 6am on May 23, you expect cool weather.  Maybe 65 degrees. Maybe 60.
Not 49!!

Seriously - I had put my warm weather gear away.   
So, I layered up and headed out.  

The new weaker grip is starting to work.  
Of course, I don't like to make things easy, so I tested out a new driver - the Cobra Fly-Z.  I had tried it at the range the day before, and liked it. So, why not really mess up my driving?  Right?

By tee time, it was a balmy 53 degrees.  My drive (old driver) was pushed to the right.  I tried to hit my sand wedge over the trees to the fairway - and it went FAR.  Way across the fairway.  
Now I tried to bump out to the fairway. For this I always use my 4 wood.  Lined up nice, swing, click, boom - hits a tree dead center and it bounced right back.  
Nice (remember the word of the day). 
I think I nailed 7-8 trees today.  It was ugly.  

As was the new driver (ugly). What I did was first tee off with MY driver, and then hit the test driver. 
The Cobra almost always pushed to the right. Sometimes a downright hook. 
However, on the 8th hole, I blasted it a good 25 yards past my drive.  But, I put it permanently away by the back 9.  

(This didn't help my game)

I am starting to figure out my new distances.  16th hole, a par 3 - had 146 to the middle. I hit my 8-iron, and it carried past center.  My 7 would have flown the green.

The greens seemed to be healing. The 4th green (still closed) looked pretty good. I think another week or two and it will be open.
But, some of the greens on the back 9 were horrible. 
Especially 18.

As I've written before, the 18th hole is a long playing par 4 - an uphill 430 yards.
My second shot I laid up to 70 yards. A comfortable pitching distance.  
So I take my choked up pitching wedge, and hit a beautiful shot. Bounced 10 yards before the green.  I totally expected a 10 foot putt.
 Two bounces to the green, and the ball rolled past the pin off the back of the green.
As I walked across the green, I realized why - the green was as hard as a billiard table.  
Maybe not a billiard table. Maybe a hardwood floor.  
Perhaps when they get the 4th green under control, they can look at this one.

So, I wound up with an ugly 95. Yea. UGLY!

But, I didn't have enough grief. 
I went back to the pro shop and had them reset the Cobra to a Draw setting.  And then hit 50 more balls!
It actually helped. 

But, I think I'll wait until my "Driver swing" is grooved before I decide to plunk down a few hundred $$$ on a new club.

In the meantime, I plan to head to Bethpage at 6am to get out early tomorrow - and I have a tee time already for Monday.
Lots of golf.
Hopefully, less wood (trees)

In the meantime

Keep it in the Short Hairs

Heres a pic of an Osprey V-22 crushing up the fairway

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

May 16 - Round 6

Eisenhower Park (red), Nassau County

There were two words to live by today. 
Front nine - Monsoon
Back nine - HUMID!!!

Those damn weather guys!  I'm having enough problems fighting my new grip, but now I have to fight the elements too???  
At tee time, the Weather Channel App said no future rain.  But, I put that new Golf Umbrella in my bag anyway.
Good thing.

Teed off at 8:28.  My playing partner was Pete.  
Play was light, so they put us out as a twosome.  
(Obviously, some people watched the RIGHT channel for a weather report!!)

I'm still trying to get my wrists to turn over with this new weaker grip.  The first drive was right on the fairway.


I was able to get back over the trees in good position with a 4 hybrid, but still wound up with a bogey.  
Second hole was a par 3.  Hit a nice 5 hybrid to the green.

Then the rains came.  Not light like last week.  This was the heavy stuff.  
We sheltered under a nearby tree until the foursome behind us came to the tee.  Then we putted out in the rain and went to the 3rd hole.  
We teed off, and then the rain got heavier.  So, once again we sought shelter under a big pine.


After about 15 minutes, it let up so we walked out (with umbrellas open) to continue.  My drive on this hole was nice.  New ball flight is very high, and a light draw.  Differs greatly from my medium height/hard draw.  Much less spin, and more distance.  (Too bad it's not consistent yet)

After parring the 3rd hole, we went to the 4th tee.  Hardest hole on the course, but has a temp green.  My drive again was nice.  The rain seemed to stop, so I folded the umbrella up - mistake.

My shot into the green needed a hard draw - actually a hook.  Took my 6 iron and hit a beautiful straight shot.  
In the trees, but a shot into the green.
At this point, the rains came again.  Finished with a double bogey - and soaked.

So, the recap to this point is:
4 holes; 3 completely soaked gloves;  2 soggy socks;  1 unhappy golfer.
Unhappy Golfer
Happy Ducks

The rain finally stopped around the 7th hole, and the sun came out after 9,  
That's when the humidity kicked in.    It was pretty disgusting for a few holes.  
My towels were soaked, so were of no help in drying my grips or hands.  A few times the clubs starting moving around in my swing.
I wound up not doing too bad.  Shot an 88 in the foul conditions.
Amazingly, I shot a 43 on the front (in the rain), and a 45 on the back (in the humidity and sun).
Go figure.  The reason for the fairly decent score was that I played the Par 3's well.  If you can score on the Par 3's, you'll protect your score.  Back nine I had 3 double bogeys - but parred short holes.

Need a few more trips to the range to work on the driver.  Very inconsistent.  But, as I stated above - there were rays of hope.  So, I'll keep at it.

I'm hoping for 3 rounds this weekend.  I have my regular foursome on Saturday, and probably Monday.  Sunday we have an afternoon Broadway show, so I'm hoping to sneak in an early round. (Shhhhh - don't tell the wife!)

Until next week,

Keep it in the short hairs

Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 9 - Round 5

Eisenhower Park (red), Nassau County

Word of the day was RAIN.

We had a 9:32 tee time. The 7am weather report showed fog, that should burn off by noon. 
They neglected to say noon on SUNDAY!

My playing partners today were Rich and Dave (Rich's son-in-law).  

At tee off they pushed up a single to join us - Ari. Good golfer.  Lotta talk

It was misting at tee time.  I was wearing shorts and a short sleeve wind shirt over my golf shirt.
No umbrella, as it was stolen a week earlier (more commentary on that later).

My first drive had a hard draw and wound up in the left rough, a few yards behind a tree.  My second shot was a five rescue that I needed to draw around the tree.  Worked great, as I was now 100 yards to the middle of the green. Flag was  in front. 
This hole always plays long, so I played it at 100 yards, hoping to make the front of the green.
Well, my gap wedge soared 120 yards - off the back of the green.  WTF?
I'm thinking that the ball came and skidded, as it was wet.  
First hole was a bogey.  

After a few holes I realized that I had a problem.  Something all of you wish you had.
I was hitting my irons 1-2 extra club lengths over last season.
I hit a 9 iron 147 (normally 125-130).  

The reason?  I started a new workout regimen last fall that was TOTALLY golf oriented. 
Balance, flexibility, power.  

Well, it's paying off.  

For those of you paying for new clubs, gadgets, and crap, to get a few extra yards - hit the gym.  Its work, but it pays off.

The round was pretty uneventful, except for the misery of the on and off rain. 
What a bitch.  
The one constant was that I was usually putting downhill, as my irons carried over the pin.

I got pretty tired around the 12th hole. Waking up wet fairways, soaked, wet socks.  Although my shoes are waterproof, the socks aren't. 

12, 13 and 14 were double bogeys.  On 14 I pulled out a power bar and chomped it down.  
I recommend tossing a few of your favorites in the bottom of your bag - you never know when you'll need one when your tank runs dry.
So I parred the par-3 15, and bogeyed the last 2.  
Finished with an 88. Very respectable for a round with 3 doubles.  
42 on the front, and 46 on the back (damn those double bogeys).

I had gone to the range on Friday to work out my wedges.  Those 40, 50, 60 and 70 yard shots are all feel.
So my short game was working.
As was my putter. 

I also stopped into the pro shop to talk Drivers. I have a TaylorMade R7 that I hit pretty damn good.  
I tried 4-5 drivers last year but didn't hit them any better than the R7 - so I saved $400.
This year I'll try to spend some more hard earned $$ on a driver - again.
My pro, Bob, recommended the Mizuno JPX-850 and the Cobra Fly-Z.  Maybe next week.

So, after the round - I went to the candy store. (aka The PGA Superstore). 
Bought a new golf umbrella.
Last week, the little woman and I went shopping at BBB.  It was pouring, so I took my golf umbrella.  While browsing around, we left our cart around a bend for 5 minutes. 
When we checked out, I realized that the big-ass umbrella was gone.  Someone had decided it was better in their hands, than ours.   This is what society has come to.  
Stolen umbrellas....

So, new NIKE umbrella. (Why Nike you ask? - I liked the colors)
I also bought some golfers tape as hitting balls 2 days in a row (with wet hands on day 2) gave me a blister.

So, this week I plan to:
Take a lesson with Bob to work out some kinks, and get new club distances
Get Linda to the range as we will play on Sunday - my birthday

Until then -
Keep it in the short hairs