Tuesday, August 11, 2015

August 10 - Round 24

The Course - Muttontown Country Club

Playing partners:  Lloyd, Cooper, Brian

On Monday I played in the annual Big Brothers/Big Sisters Golf Outing.  This event was cancelled from a rained out date in early June.  A good friend (Dan) is on the board of directors of the organization and sponsors his "Merrick Madmen" by not only sponsoring a hole (this time the putting green), but also a foursome.  So a big shout out to Dan, and the entire BB/BS organization.  Especially since he was unable to play today.  "You Da Man!"

For those that have not had the opportunity to play at an outing, it's an experience.  There are usually giveaways, food, drinks, and raffles.  Some include breakfast, lunch, or dinner. 
This one was all three!

For those unfamiliar there are usually three types of scoring at an outing:

  1. Scramble. In this format each player in the foursome tees off.  The foursome then chooses the best shot from the four, and all hit the second shot from that location. This continues until the team holes out.  This format is popular for large groups as it keeps play moving by eliminating the worst shots.
  2. Best Ball.  In this format, each player plays his own ball until all hole out. The best score of the foursome is used.
  3. Stroke Play. This format also allows each player to play his own ball.  The total sum of the team is used, allowing for handicaps.  Since many players do not keep a handicap, there are several "one-day" handicap systems that can be employed.
    Two of the ones I know about are the Callaway and Peoria systems.
    I have no clue how this work!
Today's format was Stroke Play.  

Tournaments employ a shotgun start.  This means that each foursome tees off at the same time, on different holes.  Out first hole was the ninth.  

Lloyd and I arrived at 10:15 and checked in. We received a sleeve of golf balls, a ball mark, and a hand rolled cigar.  
As we had brought a change of clothes we went to the locker room to drop our bags and went up to breakfast.  

It was an excellent buffet. I ordered an egg white omelet and then went and got two cheese blintzes.  And, just so that I wasn't "too Jewish", a few strips of bacon.  
We sat next to a guy hawking Murphys Bloody Mary mix, and got two (for me AND Lloyd!!!).  

It was going to be a fine day.  

After a brief warmup, we were off.  Brian was kind enough to give each of us a gift box of two golf balls and a free ride from his limousine service, Serenity Limousine.
I've used them before and highly recommend them. 

Brian is a big hitter.  Not straight, but BIG.  
Coop loves being out on the course, but barely sets up before he swings.  I think if four guys in a foursome played like him, they could complete 18 holes in an hour!
Lloyd? Well, I've discussed his game before -and it needs work.

My drive was off to the left, so I opted to lay up to my 60 yard "prime" layup.  I dropped my pitch 6 feet under the hole and hit the putt for par.  WHAT A GREAT START.

The unfortunate thing about starting on the 9th hole is that you make "the turn" immediately, and are not hungry enough yet for the bbq lunch of hot dogs and burgers.  So, we proceeded to the 10th hole, and played at a nice pace.  Our caddy, Fernando, was excellent, and helped with the putts tremendously.  The day prior was the club championship, so the pin positions were brutal, and the greens were extremely fast.

For most of the day, I was recovering from a poor drive and hoping to one-putt.  My best hole of the day was the 16th, par 3.  150 yards playing 170, as it was into the wind and uphill.  I hit a sweet 5 hybrid that faded toward the hole and landed 14 feet to the left - pin high.

I checked out the "closed to the pin" card, and the closest was 18 feet!  I had a shot!!!  So I scribbled my name down.

I knew that 14 feet could probably never hold up as some of these players were GOOD, and were possibly using a wedge or 9 iron from that distance.
But, it was exciting none-the-less.

I ended the round with an 87 - very respectable, even though I didn't play too well.

The winning foursome "NET" (meaning with handicaps) shot PAR.  The winning foursome "Gross" shot somewhere at 10 over par.
My group was more towards the other end of the spectrum, as I was the low score in our foursome!
I was impressed that the low gross golfer shot 69 - 3 under par!!!  Freaking good.

Also of note is that I kept my streak alive at not winning any raffle prize.  I've gone to plenty of outings, buying thousands of dollars (across the years) in raffle tickets.  The money goes to a good cause, and I don't complain.

BUT, every guy in my foursome has won time and time again.  Drivers, signed photos, TVs, etc.
ME? I get to go home with a pocket full of bakery tickets.

And, the knowledge that my donation helped some kid on Long Island get a better life.
So, I guess I did win (and so do the current 400 "little" kids paired to "Bigs" on Long Island.

Oh - by the way - I didn't win the closest to the pin award.   The winner was under 8 feet.
Such is life....

I'm trying not to overthink my game at this point.  Trying not to analyze too much good/bad.  I know that I screwed up some chips, and some drives - but there was nothing that stood out too much.

I'll hit the range on Thursday, and play Saturday with the Vak.  Hopefully, it will be a good round.

Until then,

Keep it in the Short Hairs


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