Sunday, August 23, 2015

August 22 - Round 26

Course - Eisenhower Red

Playing partners - Vak, Richie, Evan

The weather today was spectacular.  When we got to the range, it had to be just perfect. High 60's and a light breeze.  Nothing could ruin a day like this.

Except a round of golf.....

What can I say.  The weather was spectacular, but my golf was not.  It was not a complete failure of my game.  Just enough to make it a less than memorable round.

Let's start with the first hole.  My tee shot, a nice high and long drive bounced in the first cut and then into the rough.  Recalling the prior week, I simply layed up with a 7 iron that left me with 110 to the pin.  Slightly into he wind, I opted for my 9 iron -
                                                                                 which I pulled left.

My attempt to chip was awful and I started with a bogey.

After the first 4 holes of Bogey Golf, I realized it would be one of "THOSE" days.  Not horrible, but not good.
That 4th hole where I have (for the past 2 weeks), hit into the base of the tree at the end of the dogleg?  Well, I did it again.

However, this time I was able to bogey it.  I chipped out from under the tree, almost to the fairway - leaving me 170 to the middle of the green.  One problem - I'd have to hit a hard draw around a tree.  Hitting what would be my best shot of the day - I hit my 5 hybrid and ended up in the middle of the green, and two putted for bogey.
I limped my way through the front nine, with only one par  - shooting a 44.
I even bogeyed the 9th hole - one of the easiest holes on the course.

At the "Turn", I took a nice long breath, and decided to start anew.

That's when the nightmare started.  My drive was WAY right, in the woods.
I then hit a sand wedge over a pine tree to leave me 190 out.  Already figuring on another bogey, I took my 7 wood and lined up my shot.  A nice slow backswing, and at the top as I started my downswing, when a fly the size of an alligator took a chunk out of my left knee.
The ball sailed at a 45 degree angle into the trees (again).
Hitting a low shot out, I was in the left rough at 60 yards - laying 4.  My favorite shot.
Except for today.

Let's just say I laid up to 60/70 yards 4-5 times today, and each time I chunked it.  This was the most upsetting part of my round.  A shot that I practice over and over again, turned into a fiasco.
10th hole- triple bogey!

After parring the 11th and 12th, I figured I was on track again.
And then the wheels fell off the cart.  I double bogeyed the 14th, again blowing a 60 yard pitch.
(By this time I was muttering under my breath)

The 15th hole seemed promising.  I really played it well.  My drive left me 180 to the middle of the green.  This is normally a layup hole, but the light breeze was behind us and my drive carried quite a bit.
My 4 hybrid was perfect - too perfect.  The elevated green normally would mean that my shot would hit the uphill gully before the green, and my ball would stop mid green.
Well, my ball bounced in the middle of the green and landed a yard over.  In the thickest rough I've seen all day.  My first chip bounced the ball 2 feet.  Ugh.
I settled for a bogey, and some more muttering.

The rest of the round was equally frustrating.
I ended the round with a 91.  The frustrating part of the day was missing shots that are normally my strongest.  Short pitches and chips.

The score could easily have been 4-5 strokes higher, had it not been for my putting - which was the one part of my game that was still holding up.

So, what happened?    I'll tell you.
I didn't hit a golf ball all week.  You can not expect to play well (and consistent) if you don't at MINIMUM, swing a club every few days.

So, this week I WILL get to the range. I'm playing in an outing on Monday, and I will make sure I get to the range on Wednesday or Thursday.

As for my playing partners?
Vak also opened with a 44, but played better on the back 9.

Evan played well, and shot an 89.

Richie?  Richie stopped playing after 7 holes.  His back was locking up.
Rich and Evan didn't get to the course until 8 (for an 8:28) tee time, and so they could not warm up.  As Richie's last 3 round have ended similarly, that was probably a mistake.

Also of note was the course.  The rain from Thursday night left it's mark.  The bunkers were like lakes.

We did see teams of workers making their way though the course, grooming the bunkers - adding sand and smoothing it out.  It was nice to see the county putting $$ into the course.

So, until Monday,

Keep it in the Short Hairs

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