Sunday, August 9, 2015

August 8 - Round 23

Course - Eisenhower Blue

Playing Partners - Vak, Richie, Evan

The weather today was PERFECT.  We had an 8:28 tee time and got to the range around 7:45 am.  There was a hint of a light breeze, the temps felt in the high 60's, and there was very low humidity.  Optimal golf weather.

My range warmup was perfect.  Couple of wedges, couple of hybrid hits, and then a few hits with my driver.  Then I pitched a few shots to 50, 60 and 70 yards and I was done.
I hit all my shots pure, and felt nice and loose.

Vak, on the other hand, was hooking and shanking all over the place.

We had different expectations for our rounds.

We arrived at the tee at 8 and teed of early (8:15).
My drive off the first tee was sweet, just like at the range.  Vak also had a great drive (unlike his range work).

As I was 270 out, I opted to hit a 4-wood to get to my 60-70 yard pitching range.  This is where your "Go to" shot comes in.  Everyone should have their optimum lay up spot.  As I practice my 60-80 yard pitches A LOT, those are mine.

Unfortunately, my 4-wood shot was a topper and I sat at 140 to the pin.  No problem, as with the wind in our face, and an elevated tee - I opted to hit a 7 iron (150 yards).
However, I did not opt to shank my shot.

My ball nestled nicely right of the green under a tree.  Of course, my low pitch caught the deep grass near the green and I wound up with a double bogey.
So, my perfect range warmup had not translated well to my first hole.

Vak, on the other hand, easily parred the hole.  His shitty range warmup also did not translate to his play!

From this point on, I was playing bogey golf.  And, I was not happy.  Missing easy shots, mostly with my mid irons.
If you recall, I did not warm up any of my mid-irons at the range - so they were obviously cold and hitting poorly.  :-)

Vak on the other hand, was shooting par golf.  At the 9th hole, he sat one over par - and his goal was to birdie the hole and beat my 37 front nine from last week.
He settle for the par, and a 37.

By this time, I was hitting the ball somewhat decently (not great mind you, just decent).

The back 9 was fairly uneventful, except for the 11th hole, par 5.  Like my round on July 25, I blasted the ball, cutting the dogleg left corner.  This time, I did NOT try to carry the mid-fairway bunker (I recalled that double bogey).  I laid up short of the bunker - at 130 yards.  As the pin was in back, I hit an 8 iron - and pulled it just off the green to the left.  My chip left me 3 feet above the pin.
Thinking I had saved my par, I took my time on the putt. And, nailed the putt.  WAIT - I meant SAILED the putt!! - 4 feet past the cup!!!
As the return putt lipped out, I thought to myself "What the F#*@!!!"  Thee feet out and I three putt!!!  I double bogey'd this hole again!!
It took me another 2 holes to start breathing again...

I finished the round at 89.  Not horrible, but not great.
Vak had an opportunity to shoot 79, but bogey'd 18 and ended with a more-than-happy 80.

So, what went right/wrong today.
First, my mind was half on golf, and half on the afternoon plans.  As I was hosting a BBQ for my family, I had several places to go after the round to pick up food, propane, etc.

But, no excuses.  I said it before, and I'll say it again.  Golf is 90% mental (and the other 50% is physical).  Keeping your head in the game is the key to keeping your game in check.

My drives today were pretty much flawless.  I probably hit 11 or 12 fairways, and the ones I missed didn't miss by much.  My wedges were great, and my high irons and woods (except for that first one) worked well.
And, except for that one hole (WHERE I THREE PUTTED FROM THREE FEET!!!!), I putted well.

My mid irons (6-8) were my Achilles heel.  I can normally hit these solid, with a light draw.
Today, it was like the clubhead was the size of a quarter.  Pushing and pulling the shots all over the place!!

But, not to worry - my next round is on Monday at Muttontown, in an outing.  I usually have a good showing there, and hopefully this will hold true to form again.

Until then,

Keep it in the Short Hairs

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