Sunday, August 30, 2015

August 30 - Round 29

Course - Eisenhower Blue

Playing partner - Lloyd

If I haven't explained this yet, golf is like a schizophrenic wife.
Some days, she treat you so well, you want to continue the day with her.
Other days, you could walk away from her for the rest of your life.

Today was the former.

Lloyd and I decided to play today, on Saturday.  We were able to get a 9:08 tee time on Eisenhower Blue and were partnered up with another couple, Bob and Carol, who it turns out went to Lloyd's high school (one year behind him).

The blue course is in a HORRIBLE state.  The tee boxes are a mixture of grass, bare spots and crab grass.  The greens range from awful (still burned out from the winter), to simply poor (not mowed recently and bumpy as hell), to decent.
The fairways were in good shape.

But - all of the above were loaded with GEESE SHIT!!  Having played the Red course the prior day, I saw the geese patrol truck with the chase dog around the course.  The Red is in SUPERB shape.

But, the geese (I guess) need to go somewhere.  As the Blue course is just SOUTH of the Red course - they migrated south.  There were PILES of it.  Rather than take a photo of the droppings, I took one of the geese.

If you need to find a course to play at the last minute - look elsewhere.

As for today's round - it was a pleasure.  Lloyd is a fun playing partner.  As we are friends away from golf, we have more to talk about than a missed putt or a wayward shot.

The excitement on the front nine was provided by Lloyd.  The 2nd hole (Par 4), Lloyd was in the rough behind the green in 3.  The downhill green looked fast.
Lloyd hit a perfect chip that rolled right into the cup.  It was a great shot!

My front nine was uneventful.  I say that because there was little I did wrong.
6 pars and 3 bogeys for a score of 39.
My driver was being nice to me - and the times it wasn't, I recovered well and saved par.
Lloyd, although playing well, didn't score well and shot a 51 on the front.

The back nine wasn't bad.  Not as good as the front (for me), but not bad.
My highlight was on the number 1 handicap hole (hardest hole, for you novice golfers).  After a poor drive and a recovery shot and pitch, my ball sat at the edge of the green - with a 35 foot putt for par.
For those of you that are golf fans, one of the most beautiful things to see is a putt that you KNOW is headed for the cup the moment you hit it.  This was one of those.
It was awesome! (take my word for it).

My big mistake on the whole round was on the 18th hole.

What was the mistake, your ask?
I added up my scorecard before the 18th hole.

Having broken 80 only once, I wanted to see if I had a shot at it again.
I currently had a score of 75.  With a par 5 in front of me, I needed a birdie to break 80.
This, of course, tensed me up.

The drive wasn't bad.  A bit to the right, and the ball flew the fairway and landed a yard into the rough.
I decided to hit a 6 iron to 100 yards.  But, I wasn't thinking about the SHOT.  I was thinking about the 79.  The ball was above my feet, I didn't choke up on the club - and I chunked it.
My only shot to get to the green in 3 was to hit my 7 wood perfectly - 190 yards.

Well, that didn't happen.

I hit it 190 yards, but off to the right.  What you'd call a "Blocked" shot.  Blocked, because you wrists are so tense, they don't rotate over, and you "block" the shot out to the right.  (notice the word TENSE)
A pitch and two putts later I finished with an 81.

Was I upset?
Nah!!!  It was a freak'n 81!!
It's not like I lost the US Open by a stroke.  It was my lowest score of the season, and finally one where I played up to where I think I should ALWAYS play.

What this tells me is this - make sure I hit the range (or play) mid week.  Keep the swing from getting cobwebs.

Lloyd closed the back 9 with a 49 - 100 overall.  Not bad.
He hit the ball well (mostly), but didn't score.

It's kind of sad to think that the golf season (Summer) is coming to an end.    I've played 30 rounds so far, and always like to get through at least 40 rounds.  It looks like that will be easy this year, as I've missed very few weeks due to injury. Usually I have some back aches, pulled muscles, etc.
This year, I started a new "golf specific" workout regimen at the gym.
Although I didn't see much difference in the distance I hit my clubs, I did see a DECREASE in my injuries and aches.

I'm looking forward to next weekend - a three day weekend.  I already have a Saturday tee time.  Sunday will be a round with the wife (non schizophrenic), and Monday will be another round.

So, until Labor Day Weekend,

Keep it in the Short Hairs

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