Sunday, July 5, 2015

July 5 - Round 14

Eisenhower Park - Blue

Playing partners - Rich, Dave, Brad

Sometimes I have to be reminded that I'm 58 years old.  Sometimes, that reminder comes from my own body.  

I played my third round in four days today. And, to think I tried to get out on Friday!

I drove with Rich today.  Dave and Brad are Rich's sons in law, and we let the kids drive together.
As I've stated before, I prefer to walk. But, I was grateful that I decided to take the cart today.

Both Dave and Brad are novice golfers.  Both are athletic, but need a bit of instruction on both technique and etiquette.  Rich and I were more than happy to oblige, and they were more than happy to listen.

The weather was great.  Mid-80's and sunny. Not too humid.  

My mindset today was to continue where I left off yesterday - tempo, tempo, tempo.

We played the same course as yesterday.  Being that I neglected to review the course yesterday, I will here.  
The Blue course is the easiest of the 3 Eisenhower courses.  It's the least popular and also the worst maintained. (and thus, the easiest to get a tee time on)

More than a few of the greens still showed the effects of the bad winter.  Some were in HORRIBLE shape.  In a few cases we allowed a player to move his ball to an area outside a bad area (no closer to the hole, of course). 

The fairways were in good shape, but the bunkers were mostly horrible. 
Some were just dirt. 
Some had nice sand, but the grass was growing into the bunker.  

But, it's more than playable.  And, it has character.  Each hole is different, and makes you think about your shot.

Now to my game.  

I shot a respectable 87 today.
87 today vs an 84 yesterday.  If you asked me what was the difference, I'd say my short approach shots.  Today I was very inconsistent.  

Also - I got tired.  Around the 13th hole, I felt the effects of the heat and several days of golf.
And, I was unprepared. I normally carry a few power chews, and bars - as well as some extra water.  
Today I didn't have any of that.

On the front nine, I shot a non-spectacular 44.  My chipping saved me on more than one occasion.

The exhaustion started to hit me on the back 9.  
On the first par thee of the back 9, I hit a beautiful 9 iron which looked as if it was inches from the cup. 
As we pulled up, we saw it was a 4 footer. 
There's something about these shots where the juxtaposition fakes you out.  To the point where I missed the birdie putt - leaving it short.  ON A FOUR FOOT PUTT!!!  


After that, I started to feel the heat and exhaustion.  For the next two holes I was pushing myself.  I couldn't imagine what would have happened if I had walked! And, my back stiffened up a bit.
Not a lot, but just enough so that it said "DOPE - YOU'RE 58 - TAKE A REST".
(This is also why I prefer to walk - it tends to loosen my back muscles).

During these holes, I messed up some chips, putts, and even a drive.  But, I gathered my wits about me, and just kept saying "tempo" "tempo".

I was also trying to help Dave play better. Dave's swing is good, but he doesn't transfer his weight to his forward leg on his downswing and follow through.  So what would happen is he would slice the ball.  I had him put his feet closer together and it seemed to help.  

Another comparison to yesterday's round - today's round was 5 hours. A full hour longer than yesterday's round.  
Doubly ugh!

Which was probably why I felt so exhausted.

So, what will I work on in the 5 days until my next round?

1 - chipping.  I need to get more consistent on the short game around the green.
2 - woods.  I hit some nice 4 and 7 woods today, but I want to ensure that I am consistent with these clubs.
3 - supplies.  I'll be sure to pick up some power bars, and also get some more fluids to carry.

I'll hit the range one morning before work.  I find that if I don't hit a ball for 5-6 days, I won't maintain my level of play.

And, of course - I'll continue my workout regimen.

So, the Independence Day weekend comes to an end.  Three rounds of golf, and some major improvement.

So, until next week

Keep it in the Short Hairs

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